Welcome! My name is Kayla. I am a passionate teacher, kindness advocate, and yoga enthusiast. My mission is to positively impact the lives of children, teachers, and others through yoga and mindfulness in education.
Educational Wellness
Educational Wellness is my passion to help support teacher, staff, and student well-being in and out of the classroom. - I have felt the detrimental effects that chronic stress and burnout have had in my personal and professional life. We all know teaching is challenging work, but we continue to show up for our students because it lights us up. My love for my students and for the work we can do to support our future generations inspired me to try to find a way to challenge this system, and to find ways to feel more calm and centered. There is much work to be done, but first and foremost, we need our teachers at optimal health, energy, and vitality. Our teachers are struggling, our students our struggling, and the system is struggling. We are dealing with chronic stress, anxiety, depression, lack of energy, trauma, and feelings of hopelessness. Fortunately, there is a way out of the darkness and into the light.
It starts with us, it starts with you. It starts with educating ourselves on how to support our own well-being. It starts with an integrative wellness program that encompasses body, mind and soul.
This is how Take Time 2 Breathe came to be. I hope you enjoy all that our Educational Wellness programs have to offer.
For more information on my upcoming Online Wellness Workshops, click below!